R U OK? - Rotric Constructions 'Mental Health Matters' Initiative

Thursday 12th September 2019 marked R U OK day, a national day of action to promote meaningful conversation and remind everyone to ask your mates, colleagues and loved ones “Are you OK?”

According to an R U OK? national survey, nearly two thirds of Australians are not confident they know the signs that someone might be struggling with life’s ups and downs.

We, at Rotric Constructions as part of our ‘Mental Health Mattersinitiative, aim to carry on this campaign year round and remember that a conversation could change and save someone’s life.

Some tips to consider:

  • Ask R U OK?: start a conversation and be patient for their answer.
  • Listen with an open mind.
  • Encourage action and offer support.
  • Make time to check in.

Let’s make every day R U OK? day.

For more info visit www.ruok.org.au